Information about the labs

Latest update: October 31, 2012.

The labs are soon around the corner. Hopefully you are not too exhausted from working on the oblig and thankfully we have tried to make the labs a lot more fun this year. We hope that you’ll enjoy learning about these concepts of electromagnetism.

Time and place

The deadline to register for the lab was last friday. If you have not registered, please contact us as soon as possible!

The labs are held from week 45 to week 47 (room FV225). Each week you will attend one lab which lasts four hours. The labs are held multiple times, each week and they are as follows:

  • Mondays 08-12
  • Tuesdays 13-17
  • Wednesdays 08-12
  • Thursdays 13-17
  • Fridays 13-17

Again, we repeat that you are only attending one of these times each week. In other words, there are a total of 12 hours of lab during the whole semester.

Prelab and exercises

Each lab has a prelab and exercises. You have to do the prelab questions before showing up at the lab. These are multiple choice and should be fairly quickly done.

In the end of each lab there is a set of exercises that are supposed to be done at the lab. Some might however be done at home before the lab, which is perfectly fine if you feel like doing so to save time.


The topics of the labs are

You may download the lab texts now and have a look through them. They are mostly complete, but some changes may occur – also to the questions. We will update this post whenever we change the labs, so make sure to check back here and see if there are any updates the day before you have your lab.

Good luck!

4 thoughts on “Information about the labs

    • Hei,
      Rekkefølgen til labbene varierer, og er avhengig av hvor på påmeldningslista du skrev navnet ditt (på denne lista stod hvilken rekkefølge du kom til å få). Det er lab veilederne som sitter med denne lista nå, så det beste er å stikke ned til laben og spørre dem.

    • Det hadde vert fint om dette var noko som kunne bli sjekka for alle og lagt ut her, slik at alle slepper å stikke ned til labben for å sjekke. Greit å vite kva ein skal lese på før labben.

    • Vi har dessverre ikke disse listene tilgjengelig ellers ville vi ha lagt dem ut. Men dere kan kontakte Per Even Sandholt ( siden det er han som har alle listene.

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