Midterm exam

This post is from an earlier year, meaning the information here is likely outdated. You should look for a newer post from the current year to get the newest exercises and notes.

There came in some questions regarding the relevance of the weekly exercises considering the upcoming midterm exam. The answer is that the weekly exercises of course are relevant and therefore valuable practice. The questions for the exam might include everything that has been lectured up to and including the lecture 04.10 where the main subjects will be electrostatics, currents and magnetostatics. The lecture plan for the semester is found here:


Remember that you can bring an A4-paper with your own notes and allowed mathematical and physics tables (Rottman, Angell/Øgrim og Lian) as well as an approved calculator.

Update: There will be group lessons on Tuesday, 11 October, but no group lessons on Friday, 14 October.

4 thoughts on “Midterm exam

  1. Jeg synes pensumet til midveis eksamen er litt ullent, “Alt som har blitt gått gjennom på forelesning” inkluderer busspriser i Polen og sentraleuropeisk geografi.

    Satt litt på spissen, men det er ikke alle som har hatt mulighet til å delta på alle forelesninger, og enda færre vil jeg tro som har full oversikt over alt som har blitt forelest (selv om jeg noterte meg at Flybussen i Warsawa kostet 6.50)

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